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Our offer is exclusively directed at business customers and entrepreneurs; orders from consumers are not permitted in our shop.

Business customers and entrepreneurs are natural or legal persons or legally capable partnerships who act in the exercise of their commercial or independent professional activity when concluding a legal transaction. This particularly includes industrial and craft businesses, members of the liberal professions, commercial enterprises, and authorities.

Consumers, on the other hand, are all natural persons who conclude a legal transaction primarily for private purposes. Private purposes are those that cannot be attributed to either a commercial or an independent professional activity (e.g., the purchase of products for the household or a non-independent professional activity).

By ordering our software, you confirm that you are a business customer and not a consumer.

We reserve the right to verify, both during the ordering process and prior to the execution of your order, that our customers are not consumers. This may be done, for example, by checking address data or the VAT identification number. You agree to provide corresponding evidence, such as a copy of your business registration, upon our request.